
I’m an inquisitive person, who has too many hobbies and not enough time. A constant among these hobbies is my affinity for all things computer-related. As such, I have accumulated a depth of knowledge and experience in the discipline of Computer Science and programming which has naturally parlayed itself into a career as a Software Engineer.

I’ve done some pretty cool stuff! As a Software Engineer, I have driven the design, development, and deployment of several large projects including a suite of server microservices, and an advanced Android Application. As a student, I’ve written an AI Scrabble Agent that would beat the pants off you, used big data to teach a computer how to identify kitties, built a ray tracer from scratch (do you even vector, bro?), and implemented a compiler that compiles a Java-like grammar to Atmel assembly.

I’m a vocal proponent of Free/Libre and Open Source Software. Ocassionally, you can catch me atop my soapbox proselytizing the cause. I’m also an expert at factoring large primes. I currently reside in Fort Collins, Colorado, nestled in the foothills of the eastern slope of the great Rocky Mountains where I work as a Senior Software Engineer for Criterion Systems, Inc.


Drop me an email if you are interested in me coding for you or saving your neighborhood!
For security reasons, please obtain my contact info from LinkedIn.